What is physical therapy? Date: 25/12/2022 | Views: 533

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What is physical therapy?
Physical therapy is one of the methods of medical care therapeutic that is provided to individuals who suffer certain injuries, and affect the movement of their bodies, where he attempts to restore movement to normal, and stimulate the functional ability of the body organs to work, and increases the level of fitness, and can be provided to individuals at all stages Life, whether children, young people or old people.
Information about physical therapy
First: It is performed when the movement of the body is threatened by injuries due to:
1- An accident, Because of aging.
2- Due to some environmental and genetic factors.
3- The incidence of organic diseases such as strokes.

Second: Treatment is in three stages are: -
1- Improving the patient's life conditions.
2- Improve mobility under certain conditions based on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.
3- Improve the performance of his body systems.
Third: Physical therapy is carried out by a physician specialized in it, in addition to technicians and health care service providers, and guide parents to the correct physical therapy methods. Fourth: There are some things that must be done before treatment, such as: - The work of some laboratory tests and x-rays of the patient. Some techniques, such as electrical selection, are also used to test the speed of nerve conduction. Electroconvulsion of the muscles of the body.
4-There are some things that must be done before treatment, such as: - The work of some laboratory tests and x-rays of the patient. Some techniques, such as electrical selection, are also used to test the speed of nerve conduction. Electroconvulsion of the muscles of the body.
5-physical therapy falls within many disciplines such as: - Cardiology. Neurology. Geriatrics. Pediatrics. Orthopaedic Surgery.

The most prominent information is also:
Physical therapy specializes in the work of cardiovascular physiotherapy natural cardiovascular and alleviate the disorders suffered by the heart muscle, and subject to this type of treatment, people who underwent heart surgery or in the lungs. Physical therapy specializing in geriatric diseases relieves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cancers, urinary incontinence and balance disorders, as well as the elderly who undergo joint replacement operations, such as the hip joint.
Physical therapy specializing in neurological diseases is concerned with the treatment of people with neurological disorders such as motor neuropathy, cerebral palsy and nerve diseases, stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and brain injury. Orthopedic physiotherapy works with people who are exposed to fractures and rheumatism, muscle relaxation, knee roughness, and people undergoing cruciate ligament surgery.
Pediatric physiotherapy is concerned with the treatment of children in the treatment of health problems experienced by children and newborns such as brain hypoxia, neck abnormalities, growth retardation, cerebral palsy, sensory and cognitive delays, congenital malformations related to muscles, bones, nerves and others.
Treatment of certain pain with physical therapy:
1- Back pain and physical therapy
Some devices are used to treat back pain, such as electrical stimulation and heat and cold, but the greatest focus is on exercise, especially stretching exercises.
2- Knee pain and physiotherapy
Ultrasound devices, electrical stimulation and motor bands are used, but the focus is on exercises to strengthen and improve knee movement.
3- Neck pain and physiotherapy
Includes neck massages, heat and cold therapy, electrical stimulation and ultrasound, and aerobic exercise that increase the strength and flexibility of the neck and increase the level of movement.
4- Osteoporosis and physiotherapy
Physical therapy helps osteoporosis patients to avoid fractures, as the patient learns the safe and dangerous movements that may cause fractures and the correct movement method that protects them.
Physical therapy after a fracture focuses on relieving pain after it occurs, and on returning to a normal and active lifestyle after the fracture is forced.
5- Sciatica Physiotherapy
Treatment focuses on spine, muscle and tendon strengthening exercises, stretching exercises that help relieve pain, and aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming that stimulate the exchange of fluids and nutrients to create a better therapeutic environment.