The future of nanotechnology and its applications in our daily lives Articl By Dr.Ameen Alwan Date: 16/12/2023 | Views: 560

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The fundamental advantage of nanotechnology for materials is a significant increase in surface area to volume ratio. Nanotechnology applications are wide-ranging and are involved in many industrial, military, medical, agricultural and other fields. The Nanotechnology is a boom and progress in the medical field with the possibility of delivering drugs to specific cells using nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are one of the most important technologies of today and the future. This groundbreaking technology is considered a very significant domain among all the fields of science due to its tangible capacity in improving products, treating diseases, serving mankind in all spheres of life, and realizing future scientific revolutions in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and other sciences. Therefore, it is truly necessary to take advantage of the distinct properties of nanomaterials. Hence, synthesized nanoparticles have been shown to be enjoying anti-proliferating antioxidant, anti-migration, antioagulant and anti-cancer antipathogenic characteristics in the laboratory. Accordingly, this study came to prominence in this field. The biochemical equipment used in nanoparticle bacterial biosynthesis was subsequently proven. Many of these biochemical types of equipment have been used as part of a cellular detoxification resistance mechanism that involves altering inorganic ions solubility by reducing and/or precipitating soluble toxic to insoluble non-toxic nanostructures. Microorganisms, such as bacteria, are used as an environmentally responsible strategy, and an alternative in the method of chemical agents when nanoparticles are synthesized. Industrially, the best thing this technology has offered is its use in environmentally friendly energy (solar cells).. The best solar cells in use today contain layers of many semiconductors stacked together to absorb light in many forms of energy, but they are still manufactured in a way that only uses 40% of the sun's energy. Currently available solar cells have low efficiencies, ranging between (15-20%). However, nanotechnology may help increase the efficiency of light transmission through the use of nanostructures with continuity of gap beams.