A scientific article by the teaching assistant teacher, Marwan Hisham Muhammad, entitled (Ocular inflammation) Date: 27/12/2022 | Views: 55

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▪ Inflammation of the conjunctiva
▪ Bacterial: strep, staph aureus, Influenzas, Gonococcus
▪ Viral adenoviral, Herpes simplex, Hoister
▪ Allergy
▪ Ophthalmia neonatorum: Conjunctivitis within the first
month of life of neonates
Clinical features:
Usually bilateral, conjunctival hyperemia, grittiness, discharge
with sticky eyelids
Chalazion (Meibomian Cyst)
▪ Chronic inflammatory lipogranulomatosis lesion.
▪ Clinical Features: Painless slowly enlarging firm
lesion in the tarsal plate, no sign of inflammation
▪ Treatment Warm compress, Incision& Curettage, Antibiotics
ointment.Internal Hordeolum
▪ Small Abscess caused by an acute
Staphylococcus infection of the meibomian gland
▪ Clinical features:
Tender inflamed swelling within the tarsal plate is more
painful than style.
Lesion enlarges & discharges pus either posteriorly
through h conjunctiva or anteriorly through the skin.
▪ Chronic inflammation of lid margin: Staph Blepharitis,
Seborrheic Blepharitis
▪ Clinical features:
o Irritation& burning sensation over the lid margin
o Brittle scales attach to lashes
▪ Treatment
▪ Lid hygiene, Antibiotics ointment, topical steroid for severe