Law college organized a scientific seminar titled "Environmental Protection from Pollution within the Framework of Criminal Law." Date: 05/04/2024 | Views: 111

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Under the direct supervision of the esteemed Dean of the College of Law, Dr. Amar Abbas Al-Husseini, our college organized a scientific seminar entitled "Environmental Protection from Pollution within the Framework of Criminal Law" as a realization of the goals of sustainable development. The seminar was delivered by the Head of Scientific Affairs at the college, Dr. Sajjad Thamer Al-Khafaji, who discussed the role of criminal law in penalizing actions that lead to environmental damage. He also highlighted the Iraqi legislator's policy within the same framework, addressing the crimes outlined in the Environmental Protection and Improvement Law No. 27 of 2009.

In conclusion, he recommended a set of outcomes, including the imperative need for the proper enforcement of environmental protection laws, as well as the necessity to amend these laws to enhance penalties for certain actions. This is because the current penalties do not align with the severity of the harm caused to the environment as a result of committing these actions.