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مقالة علمية بعنوان ( The Future of AI and Its Impact on Life)للتدريسية م.م زينب كاظم جابر في قسم هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب تاريخ الخبر: 01/04/2024 | المشاهدات: 107

مشاركة الخبر :

The future of AI is expected to be increasingly pervasive and transformative, revolutionizing sectors such as healthcare, banking, and transportation. It will drive automation, leading to new positions and skills in the job market. However, there are also challenges to be faced, such as AI-driven decisions potentially having disastrous consequences if technology falls into the wrong hands.
In the healthcare industry, AI can diagnose diseases based on symptoms, analyze patterns, and suggest appropriate medication, which can be ordered easily through smartphones. This can greatly benefit the Indian population, where many people lack access to healthcare facilities.

AI-assisted military technologies have already created autonomous weapons systems, and in the future, we may see robot military that is as intelligent as soldiers, capable of performing various tasks. However, the lack of complete explainability in AI algorithms is a concern.
The financial sector will also see a significant impact, with AI-driven investment tactics disrupting traditional trading and investing practices. Robo-advisors and bionic advice are expected to become more prevalent, with Millennials being more purpose-driven and technologically-centered in their vision of financial guidance.
In the automotive industry, smart cars with AI-driven technologies are already on the market, and by 2025, it is predicted that 109% of automobiles and other vehicles will have AI-driven technologies installed.
AI-powered systems can revolutionize marketing by providing accurate results and a safe location to invest funds, and smart sentiment analysis tools can make reaching out to potential customers easier.
In education, AI can provide a more effective and personalized learning experience, tailored to individual's personalities and abilities.
In summary, the future of AI will bring about significant changes in many aspects of life, with both benefits and challenges. It is important to manage and influence its development carefully to ensure that it is used for the betterment of society.