Unit Missions and Duties:
The Research and Studies Unit was formed according to Administrative Order No. 852 No. 1715 on 10/15/2014. The Research and Studies Unit at the ALMustaqbal University College and it is considered one of the active and important units, as it acquires its importance from setting annual research plans for the college, in addition to the seminars and studies and perform specialized scientific seminars and participating in national , International scientific conferences. its missions can be summarized in the following:
- Keep track to the annual plan for research at the college by receiving the research titles proposed by the teachers in the various scientific departments and submitting them to the college council for approval
- Periodic and monthly tracking of the scientific departments to determine the achievement ratio for research for each teacher, where that the research is published or accepted for publication and completed before the 15th of June of each academic year and marked in the computer and records that Specialized for that.
- Keep track on performing the seminars (seminars) with objective and studied plans by the scientific departments, unifying them and submitting them to the College Council to approve them.
- Keep track performing the seminars for the scientific departments through attending and participating in those activities
- Issuing a notebook for the seminars , in addition to the completed scientific research for informing the college council after documented it.
- perform annual situation to the Deanship upon completion of the academic year to that includes the completed and published scientific research within the college's research plan in addition to the completed researchs outside the research plan
- Perform the appropriate recommendation about rewarding the researchers who have published research, as well as paying publishing fees for them, and submitting a document of thanks and appreciation to them and document it.
- Indicate the names of the teachers who did not complete their research within the planned dates. Issuing a notebook for the seminars during the academic year.