A Nonredundant SVD-based Precoding Matrix for Blind Channel Estimation in CP-OFDM Systems Over Channels with Memory
Advancing healthcare through piezoresistive pressure sensors: A comprehensive review of biomedical applications and performance metrics
An Affective Computing Electroencephalogram- based System with Machine Learning Algorithms
BER estimation for STBC-MC-DS-CDMA-4 antennas system by varied wavelet-carriers features via AWGN-flat channels
Blind channel estimation in ZP-OFDM system using new precoding matrix over channels with memory
Design and Analysis LCCL–LC Compensation for Electric Vehicle Systems
Design of Wireless Nerves Stimulator: Challenges & Solutions
Designing and Evaluating Circular and Square Coils for Tissue Monitoring using RF Wireless Power Transmission
EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using DWT and Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Electric charging station management using IoT and cloud computing framework for sustainable green transportation
Enhancing corrosion resistance of mild steel in hydrochloric acid solution using 4-phenyl-1-(phenylsulfonyl)-3-thiosemicarbazide: A comprehensive study
Fuzzy Fractional-Order PID Congestion Control Based on African Buffalo Optimization in Computer Networks
Hardware Resource Minimization of Triangular Membership Function Based on FPGA
Hardware resources minimization for implementing Bell membership function on FPGA
Introduction Utilizing the Phase Change Materials (PCM)
Low-Area FPGA Implementation of Negative Exponential Function for ANFIS Design
Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles loaded with dimethyl fumarate for the treatment of multiple sclerosis
Subspace Blind Channel Estimation Methods in OFDM Systems under Multi-path Channels
Survey of near-field wireless communication and power transfer for biomedical implants.
A comparative DFT study of electronic and optical properties of Pb/Cd-doped LaVO4 and Pb/Cd-LuVO4 for electronic device applications
A decision modeling approach for smart e-tourism data management applications based on spherical fuzzy rough environment
A low cost smart healthcare monitoring system using Li-Fi technology
A review on IoV: Architecture, issues, challenges, and its applications
Adaptive Route Sink Relocation Using Cluster Head Chain Cycling Model in WSN.
Analysis of modern circulation industry development level using industrial structure mechanism
Application of edge computing-based information-centric networking in smart cities
Blockchain-Based E-Medical Record and Data Security Service Management Based on Iomt Resource
Design and Construction of Car Seat Model for Child Safety
Design smart hospital system based on cloud computing
Designing and analyzing multi-coil multilayers for wireless power transmission in stent restenosis coronary artery
Enhanced Real-Time Fuzzy PID Controlled WNCS Over TCP/UDP Protocol
Fabrication and Characterization of p-SnS/n-Si Solar Cell by Thermal Evaporation Technique and the Effect of Ag-doped on Its Efficiency
Fuzzy PID Congestion Control Based on African Buffalo Optimization in Computer Network
Improving Lung Cancer Relapse Prediction Using the Developed Optuna_XGB Classification Model.
Landscape of sign language research based on smartphone apps: coherent literature analysis, motivations, open challenges, recommendations and future directions for app assessment
New precoding blind channel estimation and channel order estimation algorithm in OFDM systems with cyclic prefix
Opportunities of Using Renewable Energy Resources in Water Desalination
Patient s Pain Recognition by Using Deep Models Based on Transfer Learning
Performance Evaluation of Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Using Li-Fi Technology
Potential of Copper-doped nanotubes as catalysts for SO2 oxidation
Real-time optimized wireless networked control system with cooperative network protocols
Recent Advancements in Deep Learning Frameworks for Precision Fish Farming Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications
Review of artificial neural networks-contribution methods integrated with structural equation modeling and multi-criteria decision analysis for selection customization
Simulation research on the collision between freight cars and expressway three-wave beam steel guardrail
SLL Reduction in Linear Antenna Arrays by Genetic Algorithm, Flower Pollination Algorithm, and grey wolf Optimization with Iteration and Population Parameters
Smart logistics with IoT-based enterprise management system using global manufacturing
Systematic review of MCDM approach applied to the medical case studies of COVID-19: trends, bibliographic analysis, challenges, motivations, recommendations, and future directions
Waste Management System Clean and Green Implementation and Challenges in Iraq
A first principle study on sensing properties of quasi-planer born (B36 borophene) towards COS, SO2, H2S and CS2 gases
A New Nonlinear Controller Design for a TCP/AQM Network Based on Modified Active Disturbance Rejection Control
A Novel Anomaly Detection System on the Internet of Railways Using Extended Neural Networks
A survey on deep reinforcement learning architectures, applications and emerging trends
Accuracy enhancement in indoor positioning system based on visible light communication
Affecting Factors for the Adoption of Cloud-Based ERP System in Iraqi SMEs: An Empirical Study.
An Adaptive Multi-Level Quantization-Based Reinforcement Learning Model for Enhancing UAV Landing on Moving Targets
Analysis of Four Coils by Inductive Powering Links for Powering Bio-implantable Sensor
Classification of Electrocardiography Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short Term Memory with Fully Connected Layer
Cloud-Based ERP System Adoption in Iraqi SMEs: A Qualitative Approach to Identify and Evaluate the Affecting Factors
Comprehensive Driver Behaviour Review: Taxonomy, Issues and Challenges, Motivations and Research Direction towards Achieving a Smart Transportation Environment
COVID-19 Vaccination and the Fourth Wave of Pandemic Spread
Design a Wireless Pressure Sensor with an Ellipse and a Circular Shape to Monitor the Pressure within the Coronary Artery
Effect of laser irradiated silver doped polystyrene/polyethylene terephthalate (PET) thin film for solar cell applications
Efficient wireless power transmission to remote the sensor in restenosis coronary artery
Epichlorohydrin Crosslinked 2,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde Schiff Base Chitosan@SrFe12O19 (EP-DBSB-CS@SrFe12O19) Magnetic Nanocomposite for Efficient Removal of Pb(II) and Cd(II) from Aqueous Solution
Evaluation of structural, morphological, optical, and electrical properties of zinc oxide semiconductor nanoparticles with microwave plasma treatment for electronic device applications
Extract the pain features from facial expressions by utilizing two DCNN model
Fabrication of HKUST-1/ZnO/SA nanocomposite for Doxycycline and Naproxen adsorption from contaminated water
HGKM: An Efficient Hybrid Group Key Management for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles MBN in Wireless Network Environment
Improvement method for cervical cancer detection: A comparative analysis
Indoor air quality pollutants predicting approach using unified labelling process-based multi-criteria decision making and machine learning techniques
Integration of FDOSM and FWZIC Under Homogeneous Fermatean Fuzzy Environment: A Prioritization of COVID-19 Patients for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transfusion
Kalman and Cauchy clustering for anomaly detection based authentication of IoMTs using extreme learning machine
Modified Maximum Likelihood Approach in Indoor Positioning System based on VLC Technology
Multi-Attribute Decision-Making for Intrusion Detection Systems: A Systematic Review
Online Back-Lit Image Enhancement Based on Learning Restoration
Optical properties of ZnO nanorods and ZnO/CdZnS thin films
Optimum Sorption Isotherm by Linear and Non-linear Methods for Methyl Violet onto Hydrogel Surface
Propylthiouracil drug adsorption on pristine, Cu, Ag, and Au decorated AlP nanosheets
Removal of Pollutants from Aqueous Solutions by using Natural Surfaces (Cotton) as a Model for Reusability and Highly Adsorbent Surface
Review on MPPT Techniques in Solar System
Role of Hydrogel and Study of its High-Efficiency to Removal Streptomycin drug from Aqueous Solutions
Single-Layer Planar Monopole Antenna-Based Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC)
Synergistic effect of doping and nanotechnology to fabricate highly efficient photocatalyst for environmental remediation
Two cross coupled and Madgwicks filter for estimation of multi-channel dividing systems
Using molecular dynamics simulation to investigate the number of wall layers and pyramidal surface roughness on atomic behavior and boiling characteristics of water/Fe nanofluid flow
A Landscape of Research on Bus Driver Behavior: Taxonomy, Open Challenges, Motivations, Recommendations, Limitations, and Pathways Solution in Future
A Review of an Invasive and Non-invasive Automatic Confusion Detection Techniques
A Small Dual Narrowband BPF with Ultra-Rejection Band Using Grounded Stepped-Impedance Resonator
A Study of Patient’s Pain Assessment Based on Facial Expression: Issues and Challenges
An approach to pedestrian walking behaviour classification in wireless communication and network failure contexts
Comprehensive review of data exchange in vehicle-to-pedestrian communications: State of the art
Detection of confusion behavior using a facial expression based on different classification algorithms
Dispersion compensation of optical systems utilizing fiber Bragg grating at 15 Gbits/s
Enhanced the Antioxidant Activity of 1-Amino-2-naphthol-4-Sulfonic acid by Complexation with Organotin(IV) Compounds
Identification of Driving Safety Profiles in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System Based on Vehicle OBD Information
Mobile phone user behavior s recognition using gyroscope sensor and ML algorithms
Novel Roadside Unit Positioning Framework in the Context of the Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication System Based on AHP — Entropy for Weighting and Borda — VIKOR for Uniform Ranking
Sentiment analysis and its applications in fighting COVID-19 and infectious diseases: A systematic review
Tin-Naphthalene Sulfonic Acid Complexes as Photostabilizers 2 for Poly(vinyl chloride)
A deep review and analysis of data exchange in vehicle-to-vehicle communications systems: Coherent taxonomy, challenges, motivations, recommendations, substantial analysis and
A Review on Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication System: Requirement and Applications
An Overview on V2P Communication System: Architecture and Application
Health care monitoring and treatment for coronary artery diseases: challenges and issues
Novel roadside unit positioning framework in the context of the vehicle-to-infrastructure communication system based on AHP—Entropy for weighting and borda—VIKOR for uniform …
Simple and efficient transcutaneous inductive micro-system device based on ASK modulation at 6.78 MHz ISM band
A Deep Review and Analysis of Data Exchange in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications Systems: Coherent Taxonomy, Challenges, Motivations, Recommendations, Substantial Analysis and Future Directions
Automated detection of retinal Hard Exudates using triple Circular Segmentation
Design and implementation of an efficient Bio-implantable planar spiral stacked coil
Design of An (8×8) mm2 Efficient Inductive Power Link for Medical Applications
FPGA Cyclone II based the Mobile Robot Control System
Human Motion Detection through Wall Based on Micro-Doppler Using Kalman Filter Combined with Convolutional Neural Network
Mapping and deep analysis of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication systems: Coherent taxonomy, datasets, evaluation and performance measurements, motivations, open challenges …
Mapping and Deep Analysis of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Systems: Coherent Taxonomy, Datasets, Evaluation and Performance Measurements, Motivations, Open Challenges, Recommendations, and Methodological Aspects
Miniaturized SIW Wideband BPF Based on Folded Ring and Meander Line Slot for Wireless Applications
Study of the electrical and thermal performances of photovoltaic thermal collector-compound parabolic concentrated
Design and Analysis of Printed Square Loop Antenna and Solenoidal Loop Antenna for Pill Shaped Bio-implants Object
Design and development of compound parabolic concentrating for photovoltaic solar collector: Review
Development of Power Recovery Circuit for Bio-Implantable Stimulator
Experimental investigation of jet array nanofluids impingement in photovoltaic/thermal collector
Outdoor Performance Analysis of a Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Collector with Jet Impingement and Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC)
The Impact of Halloysite on the Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
Unique Halloysite Nanotubes–Polyvinyl Alcohol–Polyvinylpyrrolidone Composite Complemented with Physico–Chemical Characterization
Unique micro system stimulator with high data rate and efficient power recovery circuit
Power Amplifier Frequency Controller Using feedback control techniques for Bio-implanted Devices
Analysis and optimization of spiral circular inductive coupling link for bio-implanted applications on air and within human tissue
Automatic frequency controller for power amplifiers used in bio-implanted applications: Issues and challenges
Development of bio-implanted micro-system with self-recovery ask demodulator for transcutaneous applications
Energy harvesting for the implantable biomedical devices: issues and challenges
Inductive coupling links for lowest misalignment effects in transcutaneous implanted devices
Design of spiral circular coils in wet and dry tissue for bio-implanted micro-system applications
Developing efficient RF-DC converter using switch-only rectifier for biomedical applications
Efficiency improvement of wireless power transmission for bio-implanted devices
Efficient low-power recovery circuits for bio-implanted micro-sensors
Low-Power Recovery System Design for Implanted Biomedical Devices
Analysis of transcutaneous inductive powering links
Design of Efficient Inductive Power Link with Small Size Planar Spiral Coil Receiver for Medical Applications
Designing Transcutaneous Inductive Powering Links for Implanted Micro-System Device
Efficient class-E design for inductive powering wireless biotelemetry applications
Efficient data and power transfer for bio-implanted devices based on ASK modulation techniques
Modulation techniques for biomedical implanted devices and their challenges
Transcutaneous Inductive Powering Links Based on ASK Modulation Techniques
Influence of Amorphous Silicon Doping on Amorphous /Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction