Electronic Workshop for Entrepreneurs
No of Present: 72
Date: 2022-11-18
Part of the activities that are performed by the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Unit is to organize seminars, workshops and training courses attended by graduates, fourth-year students, in addition to academics for the purpose of promoting students’ knowledge and skills. It is noteworthy that some young people have decided to open small and micro projects, and despite the lack of capital and labor, these projects have become quite popular and managed to provide a lot of job opportunities due to being linked to other projects. We are obliged to note that Al-Mustaqbal University College had an active participation in the live presentation that took place on Wednesday, 18th November, 2020. We should state as well that Alexis Taylor, Head of Entrepreneurship Network has been in charge of the presentation, being attended by 70 graduates of Al-Mustaqbal University College.