First UOMUS Fair for Graduates Recruitment
Due to the ongoing growth and prosperity in the field of business, the need for more professional personnel has been increasing. Indeed, companies and different types of enterprises face nowadays great challenges in finding and employing such personnel. Accordingly, career fairs are considered as a familiar method where recruiters and employers could announce for their vacancies and meet potential employees.
The initiative as recommended in 2021 by Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, Dean of Al-Mustaqbal University College has finally turned into a reality with the launching of “First Future Recruitment Exhibit” for 2022, where employers and human resources managers as well as those who are in charge of recruitment could meet and communicate with a large number of graduates, and thus plausible opportunities are created for hiring the best candidates.
During these exhibits, Companies representatives attempt to give good impression to future potential colleagues while communicating with them, examining their CVs and raising feasible inquiries. These principles indeed have led to organizing the “First Career Fair” inside the campus of Al-Mustaqbal University College.
The Fair, however, has created opportunities for job seekers to market themselves and compete for the exhibited positions, displaying all what they own of skills, experiences and capabilities.
The First Career Fair was inaugurated at Al-Mustaqbal University College on Wednesday 19th January 2022, at 09:30 a.m. lasting for three days with the participation and attendance of 40 companies of both private and mixed sectors, including educational institutions. Besides, the College students have played an effective role in the Fair by exhibiting their projects.
It is remarkable to note that the Fair has been attended by Mr. Hasan Mandeel, Governor of Babylon, the Parliament Member Mr. Ameer Al-Maamouri, in addition to the representatives of Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research – Department of Research & Planning with the participation of Chamber of Commerce in Babylon, Union of Engineers, Union of Industrialists, a number of Private Sector Companies, Private Banks, Exchange Companies, Tele-Communication, and Drug Stores.
A Welcome Speech has been given by Prof. Dr. Mijbil Marjan, Head of the Preparatory Committee, in which he talked about the importance of business incubators in solving career problems.
For his part, MOHE representative, Mr. Hussein Nasir expressed his thanks to Al-Mustaqbal University College for organizing the Exhibit, confirming that Recruitment Fairs in fact represent an opportunity for institutions, graduates and companies to select the best candidates. There were also speeches given by the Governor of Babylon, The Parliament Member Mr. Ameer Al-Maamouri, Mr. Sadiq Al-Maamouri, Head of the Chamber of Commerce, the Investor of BDC Mall Project, Mr. Saleem Al-Rubaie, and they all expressed their admiration of Al-Mustaqbal University College and its constant communication with the local community, in addition to organizing this great event, which articulates a distinguished future vision to find essential solutions for the graduates issue.
The Dean of Al-Mustaqbal University College, Prof. Dr. Hassan Shakir Majdi has clarified that the College Deanship has launched a long-term plan, emphasizing that the current exhibit shall provide more than 75 vacancies for the graduates of previous years. The long term plan of the College includes as well a strategy to promote the learning process so that students could acquire higher levels of skills and productivity.
Some educational institutions have declared that they shall organize training courses and workshops for graduates, while others are ready to arrange summer training courses for final year students in their companies.
Ms. Rusul Sattar, Head of Recruitment Unit has confirmed that this exhibit is considered as the first pioneer platform of 2022 in the field of recruitment, with the aim of supporting the Government trends to increase hiring graduates in the Private Sector by meeting the qualifying skills required by Human Resources of the related institutions